SAMICK Industry established
SAMICK File established
Changed the company name to SAMICK File Industry
Changed the company name to SAMICK Industry Co., Ltd.
Technology Research Center established
Listed on Korea Securities and Futures Exchange
Executed joint venture and technology transfer agreement
with THK
Construction of LM guide factory completed
Quality Management System (ISO 9002) certification
Changed name to SAMICK LMS
Certified as Parts & Materials Expert Company
LM Guide selected as the world's top next-generation product
SAMICK Scholarship established
Acquired Parts & Materials Reliability Certification
Acquired Linear Motor CE certification
Commencing production of ball screws in Korea
Named Excellent Company in Quality Innovation
Environment Management System (ISO 14001) certification
New Technology Certification for Isolation Table System
Executed business agreement for the development
of multi-joint robots with Samsung Electronics
Certified Family-Friendly Firm
Righteous Consumption Firm
Awarded the Gold Tower of Industrial Service Merit
SAMICK Matz Ventures established
Signing a business agreement (KT)
Wearable Robot Technology Transfer (KIST)
Signing of MOU (DGIST)
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